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Regular price $199.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $199.00 USD
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Get an extra NiRVANA YOGiMAT speaker w/ a yoga mat backing to DOUBLE the ViBES in your ViBRA-Sound NiRVANA model or if you just want a super thin, durable, and great sounding bluetooth speaker that's less than 1/2" thick!

I Love to take mine on bike rides! I can listen to music and still be able to hear whats going on around me to stay safe and aware!

The YOGiMAT NiRVANA Speaker is made w/ LENOVO® 360 sound tech. There are 4 speakers in one ULTRA-THiN housing that delivers a full spectrum of sound (as low as 74hz- high AF hz!)

Download Sonic Tone App (Apple) or Frequency Tone Generator (Android) to Unlock ViBRA-Sound Healing Capabilities

-Easy to use tone generator app to pinpoint healing frequencies (ex. OM frequency 136.1hz- C#ish)

The speaker is comes equipped w/ a soft yet durable yoga mat backing and was made to be used interchangeably in the 6 sound slots on the YOGiBOARD ViBRA-Sound NiRVANA Model or stand alone as a sweet bluetooth speaker which can pair with almost any device! So durable you can step on it no problem while doing yoga while it's in use and it's totally unharmed.

When inserted in the YOGiBOARD the YOGiMAT NiRVANA Speaker's low vibrations are amplified and resonate throughout the organic wood panels. If YOGiBOARD were made of plastic the sound waves would be dampened and the vibrational resonance would be much lower. You can put the speaker in 6 different slot depending on what energy center (chakra) you want to focus the harmonic resonance on..

Don't know anything about frequencies, music, or sound healing?? That's ok, if you go to the SOUND SCHOOL section of the website you can learn all the fundamentals and see how color relates to sound in the 432 hz tuning octave chart.

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Does having a YOGiBOARD really make that much of a difference in your yoga practice?

YES! Especially if you normally practice on carpet or some other unstable surface that's hard to get stability and balance on.

Is the YOGiBOARD really comfortable as a chair?

Yes indeed! Especially if you get the OG or NiRVANA Model that comes with a premium yoga mat attached to the suraface! Every single person that sits on the YOGiBOARD is surprised how comfortable it is as a chair!

I don't know anything about music or sound healing...Why would I get a ViBRA-Sound NiRVANA Model?

Because!...You definitely have the potential to learn and integrate that knowledge, so don't box yourself out! I (founder Scott Conrad) am 37 and I started learning about music & sound when I was 26, and now I am climbing the knowledge ladder faster and higher than I would've ever thought!'s never too late!